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12 months premium access (+ 4 weeks for free)
for 36,99 € (incl. VAT)

Terms of use, Coupon terms & Declaration of revocation read. I expressly waive my 14-day right of withdrawal so that I have immediate access to the voucher.

I confirm that I am a permanent resident in Europa, payments from other countries cannot currently be accepted.
Single transaction 36,99 € (incl. VAT)

Your personal data: We need this data for invoicing. Once you've made the payment, this invoice can't be adjusted, so make sure your details are correct. For tax reasons, we currently only offer vouchers for customers from certain European countries. From other countries, please use the purchase option directly in the app. Your invoice will be generated in German language.
After successful payment you will receive an email with your voucher code.

In order for you to have immediate access to your voucher, waive your right of withdrawal. In exceptional cases we grant a refund, write us an email. A legal claim does not exist.

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